Alpha LipidTM
– the ultimate colostrum delivery system.
Doctors and scientists have long recognised the importance of colostrum as the first food for newborn mammals. During the last decade, they have also begun to study the other bio-active ingredients in milk, such as Lipid.
Alpha LipidTM Colostrum is finest grade colostrum containing significant levels of immunoglobulins and growth factors, fortified with complex lipids in the form of gangliosides and phospholipids.
Both phospholipids and gangliosides are important in brain function and development.
Gangliosides also help protect the gut from infection and disease. Gangliosides are key components of the plasma membrane of all human cells and are particularly in the nervous system. They play an important role in cell to cell recognition, cell signalling and cell growth. In Alpha LipidTM Colostrum, the ganglioside is GD3. GD3 is the predominant ganglioside in human colostrum. Gangliosides are particularly important in human brain development up to the age of five.
Recent studies suggest gangliosides could be involved in the activation of T-cells which play a key role in the bodyís first line of defence against pathogen invasion. Phospholipids help in increasing brain function, and have been associated with improved memory. They have also been shown to elevate moods and reduce the symptoms of depression. Alpha LipidTM also helps confer additional dispersability and protection of the IgG (immunoglobulin) molecule. Alpha LipidTM is an effective protector and carrier of all the vital (and fragile) nutrients in colostrum. It significantly increases bioavailability to the body during the journey through the digestive tract and assimilation through the mucous lining. Alpha LipidTM appears to greatly enhance the effectiveness of basic colostrum. New Image Colostrum Alpha LipidTM is an innovative pharmaceutical grade, standardised colostrum product. Alpha LipidTM is exclusive to New Image International.
Nutritional Information:
Serving Size: 16g
Servings per pack: 25

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